Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The way He loves...

I am reminded everyday when i look in the mirror that I am imperfect.

It is the imperfections that make me wonder if human love is in fact real. How is it humanly possible to love imperfections? My shortcomings and malformations alike make me question whether or not someone can really love you just as you are. The way He made you. The answer is you cannot humanly do it.

I find myself thinking "if they really knew me, they would hate me." So I hide. I cower in this corner of disgust and loathing for myself because i hate me for things that I have done. Never once remembering the truth, i play this game of deceit with strangers and friends. Masking my grief and un-forgiveness with a smile and a handshake. Sometimes I even trick myself into liking me.

Human love is fleeting and in many ways un-romantic. It has no depth, no sustaining drive, and it is irrational. It is imperfect because it is human. I cannot love completely because of this inconvenient fact so how can i expect anyone else to?

Love is not of this world. It transcends it. There are many people who think they know what it is and think they actually are in love, but how can they be? We can only love fully when we know the one who loved perfectly. Jesus the Christ. He romanced his people. Paul the apostle tells us in his 2nd letter to the Corinthians that we are promised to Him (Jesus) as a pure bride. (2 Corinthians 11:2) His love is romantic and beautiful. What is more beautiful than a pure bride on her wedding day?

I am not only referring to loving your wife. I am talking about love in its purest form. They way He loves. Unconditionally rendered to this imperfect, sin ridden, world. Why? How? It is love, it is perfect, it is God, and He is not of this world.

So the next time I look in the mirror I am not going to be looking at what sin has done to my self image but what Christ has done. He took me imperfect, made me pure, and loves me perfectly, and by knowing Him I can love the way He does. Fully, beautifully, and, Perfectly.

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