Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My job is to remind...

I am a post-it note.

My job is to remind—not to condemn, not to harass.

My job is to remind of the time when God wrapped loving arms around you and said "you are not alone".

My job is to remind of the time when you were so in love with God that a smile was all you could wear.

My job is to remind that you are God's masterpiece. Made exactly how He wanted you to be made. He made you and said "it is good".

My job is to remind you that God is not a crutch, but a foundation. When you are torn down by life, you do not lean on God he carries you.

My job is to remind you that pain is not God's fault, its the worlds, and the decisions made by everyone in it.

My job is to remind you, God did not make robots, he made living, free thinking, freewill using, human beings. What you do is up to you. His plan for your life, and what you do with your life MIGHT be two different things. Freewill is the operative word.

My job is to remind you that God's love for you is unconditional. He starts from your last mistake and says "ok i forgive you, now lets do it my way." but we will inevitably mess up again and he inevitably says the same thing.

My job is to remind everyday not with my words but with my actions.

My job is to love my neighbor. Not just the family that lives in the apt. next to me, but everyone in this world, no matter their creed.

My job is to remind you that you are beautifully and wonderfully made. No mistakes were made when you were on the drawing table.

My job is to remind you that YOU ARE LOVED.

1 comment:

Candice Brouillette said...

i think most of us forget this.
thanks for the reminder.